capu's blog
Content Warning: unsufferable hipsters

Why reStructuredText?

I'll be honest with you, I don't have all that much experience with the Python way of doing things, and I'm fairly new at this reStructuredText thing, but when writing my previous blog post I had an issue that made me understand why Eric Holscher loves it so much.

The problem

In my previous blog post I had to add a video to explain how I used Inkscape to split a big svg files into pieces small enough to be printed by a regular printer.

Recording the video was easy enough with OBS and good ol' low quality expectations, but pelican (and reStructuredText for that matter) doesn't have a native way of showing videos.

A markdown evangelist would say "But that's not an issue in markdown! you just write HTML inline!"... and they would be kind of right. It'd work.

But every time I want to add another video (yes, zero times so far, I'll admit that), I'd have to copy-paste the same HTML snippet, and this means:

The solution

Extend reStructuredText so it can show videos!

I started by looking at what the documentation said about videos, and it linked to an old snippet.

Then, I figured I could turn it into a plugin by adding something similar to the plugin directory, and having a register() function in a file named

    ReST directive for embedding selfhosted videos
from __future__ import absolute_import
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives

class Video(Directive):
    has_content = False
    html = '<video controls muted>  <source src="%(src)s" type="video/webm">  </video>'
    required_arguments = 1
    optional_arguments = 0
    final_argument_whitespace = False

    def run(self):
        self.options['src'] = directives.uri(self.arguments[0])
        return [nodes.raw('', self.html % self.options, format='html')]

def register():
    directives.register_directive('video', Video)

I don't actually know what node.raw() does, for example, but so far it didn't seem necessary 🙃.

This enables me to create my own reStructuredText directive! I currently have no need for extra parameters, but in the future I could make it configurable.

Also, here's the actual commit where I implemented this changes.

...I should probably add a link to download the file if the browser doesn't support video. Perhaps for the next time I add one.

Also on this blog:


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