capu's blog
World's Okayest Bike Mechanic

Let's try out huff

my excuse

In my last blog post I solved Ethernaut's MagicNum challenge , where the objective is to hand-craft a very simple contract (only required to return the number 42) in bare assembly (since it's required to be 10 bytes long or less).

To actually construct the assembly, I simply did it by hand looking up where necessary. It was a bit painful to have to count bytes each time I wanted to change something or having to look up/remember the hexadecimal representation of any opcode I wanted to use.

The thing is, it doesn't have to be like that. Assemblers have existed for the longest time to not have to write all of the program by hand in hexadecimal notation.

That's where huff comes in!

But capu, you might say, didn't solidity ship with an assembly language called yul? I mean you used it to actualy deploy your handcrafted bytecode just a few days ago:

bytes19 constant private creationCode =

function solution(address payable target_) internal override{
    MagicNum target = MagicNum(target_);
    address deployment;
    assembly {
        // from the yul docs
        function allocate(size) -> ptr {
            ptr := mload(0x40)
            if iszero(ptr) { ptr := 0x60 }
            mstore(0x40, add(ptr, size))
        let offset := allocate(19)
        mstore(offset, creationCode)
        deployment := create(0, offset, 19)

Well, made-up interlocutor, you're kinda right in the sense that's a lower level representation, but it's not exactly what I want. Yul abstracts away stack management (there's no way of putting a PUSH or DUP instruction manually) and control flow (it uses 'normal' looping and if constructs and has no way to manually put a JUMPI/JUMPDEST instruction)

what is huff anyway?

huff is an assembly language closer to the metal, similar to writing opcodes by hand, which gives me greater control on how many and which opcodes will actually be used, so it's better suited for this.

After a quick peek at the tutorial and piping the contents of some url into the sanctity of my shell, I was able to compile a small hello world program into bytecode with a bare huffc.

But that's not enough! I still have to deploy it from my tests. which would involve:

Since I seem to be on an abstracting mood , I'll also use the foundry-huff library to hide this complexity somewhere else as well.

After adding the library to lib/ and enabling ffi on foundry.toml, I'm ready to define the solver contract in huff:

#define macro MAIN() = {
    0x2a 0x1f mstore8

and integrate the library like into the test contract like so

 1import {HuffDeployer} from "foundry-huff/HuffDeployer.sol";
 3// ...
 5function solution(address payable target_) internal override {
 6    MagicNum target = MagicNum(target_);
 8    address deployment = HuffDeployer.deploy("magicnum");
 9    target.setSolver(deployment);
10    vm.startPrank(attacker, attacker);

Some complaints details

I found some issues when using huff, namely

  • I had to put the assembly file in src/magicnum.huff. I tried to locate it under test/ but it was impossible since it's hardcoded in foundry-huff that they'll be found there . Not a big deal. I rather have to deal with this than wrap my head around some remappings-but-for-huff.txt. However, the error messages that I got for placing it in the wrong location were generically uttered by foundry's vm.ffi and not by foundry-huff in a particularly useful way. Perhaps I could try submitting a PR with better error handling?
  • see that vm.startPrank? well I had to add it because the deployer contract starts a prank and never stops it and that was causing my solution to fail, not because the assembly was wrong, but because when checking the solution with the Ethernaut contract, msg.sender was not the attacker. I'll probably create an issue for this, since there might be something that I'm not getting.

Also, when playing around with all this I discovered the disassembler I like doesn't support the PUSH0 opcode. But that's kinda off-topic.

See you this sunday for the solution to the (in my opinion) second-best ethernaut CTF

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