capu's blog
non-giver of ether

New license, who dis?

Now both the content on this blog and my sewing patterns are licensed under a CC-BY-SA libre license.

This means anyone can share them, and make derivative works based on them as long as they make an attribution (BY) and share it under a compatible license (SA).

I care mostly about the latter, but it seems that there's no such thing as a CC-SA license.

Did I nail all the legal points correctly? Probably not.

Does this ultimately matter? No, if someone wants to make a derivative work without giving attribution or sharing it under a similar license it's possible that I won't notice, that I won't care enough to or know how to prosecute them.

Also I'm not sure if I'm behind the idea of having a legal framework to enforce what can be shared and how, and I'm always going to regard those living outside of it as aesthetically superior. But I don't want those still constrained by it to use it to restrict the naturally-free-flowing stream of handlebar bag designs.

Soon I'll also go through my software repos to make sure that all of them are under a GPL-something license. And perhaps write on what was the event that red-pilled me into not using a MIT/BSD license ever again.

Also on this blog:


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