capu's blog
World's Okayest Bike Mechanic

Updates to solhint-community versioning


There's a pre-release version of solhint-community: 3.7.0-rc00. Please use it and report issues on the new rules if you find any!


I've been maintaining solhint-community for a few weeks now, and shipped two new rules:

  • no-unused-import
  • named-parameters-function

However, the former's initial implementation was way buggier than I could anticipate. As far as I could tell, the project has three users [1] :

They all reported false positives on the no-unused-import rule. And plenty of them, too!

In retrospect, it makes sense this happened. Like most people, I didn't use every language feature, even after a few years on it, and I haven't programmed solidity significantly since a few releases ago. Plus I probably have enough fingers to count how many trees like this one I've significantly walked 🙃.

While I learned a lot in the process, I'm not naive enough to assume these are all the mistakes I'm ever going to make. So I should have some mitigations against them.

What I'm going to do about it

This is a bit of an 'unknown unknowns' problem. I won't be finding many bugs if I don't get free QA from users stumbling on issues I didn't anticipate. But I don't want users to have a bad experience using the linter I maintain either! They're users. They didn't sign up to help me develop the thing.

But what if they did?

Introducing pre-release versions

semantic versioning has the concept of pre-release versions, which look like this: mayor.minor.patch-preReleaseIdentifier. The idea with this is users can sign up to receive features some time before they make it into a new version by using a pre-release for it. (These are also known as release candidates, or rc for short)

npm has sensible defaults for this. Basically:

  • If you sign up for pre-release version ^1.2.3-rc01, you'll get all the pre-releases for version 1.2.3 which have a pre-release identifier greater (lexicographically) than rc01, plus any proper releases greater than 1.2.3 that don't imply a major version change, such as 1.4.0

when in doubt, you can use semver as a command line utility to check which versions match a particular range:

[I] capu ~/s/blog (master)> semver --range '^1.2.3-rc01'\
1.2.3-rc00 1.2.3-beta 1.2.3-rc01 1.2.3-zeta 1.2.3-rc02 1.4.0


An invitation to try solhint-community 3.7.0

solhint-community 3.6.0 is already out, so any bugs with it will be fixed on patch versions to it.

However, I'm creating a release candidate 3.7.0-rc00 for the next minor version, alongside a branch called release-candidate-3.7.0 to which new rules and/or other changes that merit a minor version release will be merged.

So, please feel free to use the ^3.7.0-rc00 version range in your package.json to get new rules as soon as possible. For a few repos I think I'll just post a PR and see what the owners think.

The idea, which for now is taken from VDD (Vibes Driven Development) theory, is to be one order of magnitude more sure about the absence of bugs to merge something to the master branch (and shortly after release it) than to merge something to a release candidate branch.

Happy lintin'!

[1]there's no telemetry on solhint (and there won't be) so I have no way of knowing who uses it other than people telling me or reporting issues, and I can only have an overview on how many users it has based on how many times it's downloaded from npm. So of course it'll look like everyone using it is having issues.

Also on this blog:


Yours Truly ()
"I have no way of knowing who uses it other than people telling me or reporting issues, and I can only have an overview on how many users it has based on how many times it's downloaded from npm" You can actually get a rough idea of how many projects are using SHC from this Github search:**%2Fpackage.json+solhint-community&type=code&ref=advsearch
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