capu's blog
Content Warning: unsufferable hipsters

I'm learning how programming languages are built, come join me!

A few months ago I skimmed the first few chapters of crafting interpreters in order to have a bit of the theoretical background required to build some solhint rules, and found out it's a great resource.

Although I've programmed profesionally for the last six years, I kind of feel myself wanting to 'actually learn to code'.

I want to feel more confident in my ability to harness big, complex problems with abstractions of my own creation, and further specialize into my core skill: being the Dude Who More Or Less Knows How Computers Work.

On a high level view, I'm thinking I want to do two things:

The book is pretty good. It's exactly what I want, it doesn't get too far explaining theory before getting it down into Java code, and its teaching style is super easy to follow.

I'm currently in chapter 6, you can see my lox implementation alongside my answer to challenges in the repo I've created for that.

I know Bru is going to join me soon, and you're of course welcome to reach out with questions, suggestions, feedback on my solutions, or whatever you see fit.

I have no deadline for getting through it, but I've been getting one chapter in every week, roughly, and I intend to continue on the same trend.

Also on this blog:


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