capu's blog
haschash maximalist

Let's play some EVM Puzzles

EVM Puzzles is a game dealing with EVM assembly, where you have to provide calldata and/or call value to get a contract call to execute successfully. It's inspired by Overthewire's wargames , which are a lot of fun.

This should be the first in a series. Ideally I both show you how to solve them and also showcase my brainfarts and false starts.

Puzzle 1

00      34      CALLVALUE
01      56      JUMP
02      FD      REVERT
03      FD      REVERT
04      FD      REVERT
05      FD      REVERT
06      FD      REVERT
07      FD      REVERT
08      5B      JUMPDEST
09      00      STOP

? Enter the value to send:

'I like your magic columns, funny man', you might comment.

Let's dive into what the three columns mean. Take the second one as an example:

01      56      JUMP

assembly is usually annotated with two more items:

with this, you can interpret the following

for reference on the available opcodes, you can visit . It even has a line-by-line debugger!

00      34      CALLVALUE // [ VALUE ] push the callvalue onto the stack
01      56      JUMP      // [] jumped to index VALUE
02      FD      REVERT
03      FD      REVERT
04      FD      REVERT
05      FD      REVERT
06      FD      REVERT
07      FD      REVERT
08      5B      JUMPDEST
09      00      STOP

the contract will jump to whatever value I send. And I want it to jump to index 08.

? Enter the value to send: 8

Puzzle solved!


I find it fun to break things, so when something jumps to whatever I tell it to, I wonder: can I make it go back, unconditionally?. That'd cause an infinite loop.

? Enter the value to send: 0

Wrong solution :(

Answer is no in this case. And we have the JUMPDEST opcode to thank for that. When JUMPing, the EVM will check the destination and revert if the there is something other than a JUMPDEST opcode. Neat.


my favorite bad way to explain Ethereum is 'it's just like bitcoin, but you have an opcode to jump wherever! even backwards!'

Puzzle 2

00      34      CALLVALUE // [VALUE]
01      38      CODESIZE  // [09 VALUE]
02      03      SUB       // [ 09-VALUE ]
03      56      JUMP      // [  ] jumps to (09-VALUE)
04      FD      REVERT
05      FD      REVERT
06      5B      JUMPDEST
07      00      STOP
08      FD      REVERT
09      FD      REVERT

answer seems to be to find a value such that 09-VALUE==06

I can deal with that 😎

? Enter the value to send: 3

Wrong solution :(

what? is my math wrong?

surprisingly no, my math was okay. Thing is, the last bytecode has index 09. But indexing starts at zero. So the bytecode has length 10. 0x0A, in computer words.

0A-VALUE==06 means I should send a value of 4.

? Enter the value to send: 4

Puzzle solved!


Puzzle 3

00      36      CALLDATASIZE // [len(DATA)]
01      56      JUMP         // jumped to len(DATA)
02      FD      REVERT
03      FD      REVERT
04      5B      JUMPDEST
05      00      STOP

I should send some data as long as it has a length of... 4.

remember each byte is represented by two characters 0-F:

? Enter the calldata: 0xFFFFFFFF

Puzzle solved!


Puzzle 4

00      34      CALLVALUE // [ VALUE ]
01      38      CODESIZE  // [ 0C VALUE ] -- remember, the lenght, not the last index
02      18      XOR       // [ 0CXVALUE ]
03      56      JUMP      // jumped to 0CXVALUE
04      FD      REVERT
05      FD      REVERT
06      FD      REVERT
07      FD      REVERT
08      FD      REVERT
09      FD      REVERT
0A      5B      JUMPDEST
0B      00      STOP

I need to provide a value such that 0C XOR VALUE == 0A

my first approach was solve for it bit by bit:

0C 0000 1100
?? ???? ????
0A 0000 1010

But then I remembered: if A XOR B == C, then A XOR C == B


0C 0000 1100
0A 0000 1010
06 0000 0110
? Enter the value to send: 6

Puzzle solved!


Puzzle 5

00      34          CALLVALUE  // [ VALUE ]
01      80          DUP1       // [ VALUE VALUE ]
02      02          MUL        // [ VALUE*VALUE ]
03      610100      PUSH2 0100 // [ 0100 VALUE*VALUE ]
06      14          EQ         // [ 0100==VALUE*VALUE ]
07      600C        PUSH1 0C   // [ 0C 0100==VALUE*VALUE ]
09      57          JUMPI      // jumps to 0C if 0100==VALUE*VALUE
0A      FD          REVERT
0B      FD          REVERT
0C      5B          JUMPDEST
0D      00          STOP
0E      FD          REVERT
0F      FD          REVERT

I gotta find a value that, squared, is 0x0100

0x0100==0d256 ; sqrt(256) == 16.00000000000000000000

when I typed 0x10, however, my response was parsed as zero.

? Enter the value to send: 0

Wrong solution :(

Turns out the value is always parsed with base 10. Fun that I managed to get this far without realizing it.

? Enter the value to send: 16

Puzzle solved!

Okay this is all for now. Tune in sometime between tomorrow and June 2026 for the rest of the puzzles!

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